Monday, April 7, 2008

Sick Day

Called in sick today. Decided it was time to head to the hospital and get my arm checked out, it was starting to get pretty nasty. "What seems to be the problem?" the nurse asked asked as she took my pulse. I thought about mentioning the blackout...and the blood. Just then, the nurse looked up at me with a puzzled look, it was almost like she could hear what I was thinking. "Some nut job bit my arm" I said. She left in a hurry and told me the doctor would be in soon. I could hear people talking about me outside the room and I started to get real nervous, I was covered in sweat, this was usually about the time my heart would start to race...but not this time.

A man walked in, a man, not a doctor, no lab coat
on this guy. He gave me a card. "Call this number, tonight." He said. "We can't help you here."

I walked out of the hospital as if I had never been a patient, no perscriptioins, no advice, no bills, just this card:

and on the back:
Is this a freaking joke?

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