Monday, April 14, 2008

Not again...

I thought things were going back to normal. I was way off. Doesn't seem like things will ever go back to normal.

Came home from work on Friday night, and a short power nap turned into a 24 hour blackout. But this time, I didn't wake up at home. I was still covered in blood, but this time I woke up in a cage. Steel bars all the way to the ceiling. Camera's pointing at me from every angle. This wasn't prison, this was something else. After screaming for what felt like an hour, the doctor finally came into the room. At this point I was starting to freak out, closed spaces aren't my thing. He gave me a bottle of water and sat down and waited for me to finish it. "You feeling better?" he asked. "OK, then we can let you out."

As he guided me out of the cell, he informed me of some bad news. He confirmed my worst fears, he explained to me my condition. He explained the process and the treatment. I had a ton of questions, but he refused to answer them. He led me into a room with 20 or so people, no one stood out, just a random group, wouldn't have thought they had anything in common. "This is where you can ask your questions" he said. "One rule, nothing leaves this room, its all anonymous."

I sat down and introduced myself "Hello. My name is Daniel. And I'm a zombie."

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